200+ more words for you today, as well as a prompt below … if you need it. But write about whatever…. Just Write. If you’re also accepting the challenge to share what you’ve written, put it in the comments under this post or restack and share in Notes.
The rules for commenting on others’ shared writing are simple: (1) be kind, (2) no critiquing (unless the author explicitly requests such), (3) let the author know what in their writing resonated with you, or perhaps made you think differently or gave you a ‘aha.’
Writing and Well-Being: Part 1
I’m fascinated with the connections between self-expression and both physical and mental health. Several incidents in my life have made these relationships clear to me.
The first time I realized that holding back what I want to say/write can cause me physical distress was when a friend offered me a Reiki session. I’d never heard of Reiki at the time, but I’m always curious about and willing to experience different types of healing modalities.
I sat in silence while she did her work. After the session, she asked if I’d been having issues with my throat.
Uhm, yes.
In the months previous, I’d had severe bouts of heartburn and reflux, rising acid that produced sore throats and, sometimes, gave me a raspy voice. She suggested this could be because I was holding in something important that I wanted or needed to express.
The connection had never occurred to me but felt true.
Since then, I’ve paid attention. My reflux happens on-and-off—ebbs and flows, if you will (pun intended)—and I can see direct parallels with my self-expression.
When I’m holding back, not speaking my truth, being inauthentic, over-compromising, people-pleasing, or equivocating, the reflux increases.
When—through written or spoken word, and in my behavior—I’m fully expressing what’s important to me, what I need and want, what I believe in, what I value, it subsides.
I can look back and see other instances when my lack of expression caused other physical issues, too—severe bouts of IBS and other digestive issues. In retrospect, I see they were related to how true (or not) I was being to myself.
Tomorrow, I’ll share my story of a connection between self-expression and mental health.
Your Prompt / Day 2 of 31
Do you believe in the connection between physical wellness and self-expression? What examples of this do you have in your own life? How do you currently feel in your body? Is there something you’re “holding back” that could be contributing to physical distress?
PS Thanks for checking out the 200-word (30-day) challenge and I hope you’re playing along. This challenge is intended to help each of us (re)cultivate a writing habit, open our creativity, foster engagement and personal growth, and receive inspiration from what’s shared in this supportive community … and cultivate the COURAGE to SHARE our work.
Share your response to the prompt, or at least 200 words about any issue that’s on your mind, in comments or Notes. Thanks for playing along with me! Please invite your friends.
#200wordsaday #writingchallenge #Betruetoyou