What you’ll find in Gina’s Quill

Gina’s Quill includes my fiction, with sprinkles of non-fiction focusing on writing craft, creativity, and conscious living. The stories I love to read and write are typically historical, set in the U.S. in the late 19th and early-to-mid 20th centuries.

Here’s a short roundup of links to explore.

The Kent Creek Chronicles

Draft episodes of Dancing at The Orange Peel, my 1960s novel-in-progress set in the fictional Southern town of Kent Creek, North Carolina. Links to all episodes are available in the Directory:

The Mailbag

My discoveries while writing, research tidbits, travel updates and photos, occasional annotated excerpts, and more related to THE KENT CREEK CHRONICLES and my other writing.

The Creativity Quest

Working chapters of my upcoming non-fiction book about the creative journey.

A Month’s Worth of Writing Prompts

From the Summer 2023 200-words-a-day challenge, but you can use these anytime to spark your imagination.

Gina who?

I’m Gina Hogan Edwards. And it’s (past) time to get serious about my writing journey.

For more than a decade, I’ve supported women writers in finding their voices, revising their stories (fiction and nonfiction), and putting their words out into the world. I gladly left a well-paying corporate job to embrace the roles of editor, certified creativity coach, retreat facilitator, and podcast co-host. And I LOVE that work.

Spring 2023 Story Camp Women’s Writing Retreat, photo by author

As I’ve guided other women in finding and reconnecting with their voices and their values and their creativity, I, too, have been seeking and reconnecting with my own. And it’s time for me to fully embrace my dream of being a writer instead of being a “shadow artist.” (If you don’t know what that is, you must read Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way.)

This won’t be easy (what is?) and I’m not doing it in the “traditional” way—which, to some people, seems stupid and risky. Well, I can live with a little judgment and risk in exchange for doing this in a way that feels exciting and fun, that matches my personality and brings me joy.

With readers and supporters like you, I feel excited about the possibilities and about this opportunity to live my dream of being a full-time writer—that I get to do this!

But none of it’s possible without you! Thank you so much for being here. To get full access to Gina’s Quill:

What else should you know about Gina and Gina’s Quill?

I’m supposed to tell you here what else to expect from this newsletter and from me. But I have no crystal ball.

I can tell you there’s a LOT in my noggin’ that wants to come out. How and when are unpredictable, but my intention is to create consistency in my writing practice with your help and input.

I proudly hail from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Appalachia and am a decidedly Southern writer. I love to write and read historical fiction, coming-of-age stories, and family sagas. I want to hear what you think about what I write, and I’d love to know what you like to read, too. So I hope this becomes a space of engagement for us, whether you’re a reader or a writer, or both.

Let’s create some cool stuff together!

Where else you can find me

ALL the links in one place! https://www.ginahoganedwards.com/Links

Subscribe to Gina’s Quill

My imaginings in the shape of fiction. as I also ponder creativity, writing, and life.


Writing Gina's Quill ✒️, including Dancing at The Orange Peel (serialized historical fiction), research tidbits, and updates on the writing process // Author, Retreat Host, Editor, Creativity Coach, Podcast Host, and full-on Americana junkie