Feb 24Liked by Gina Hogan Edwards

This post really resonated with me, Gina. I was stuck in a period of inner disquiet after the holidays. I technically had time to write and knew what I wanted to write but I just couldn't bring myself to sit down at the computer and write. I went through mental convolutions trying to restructure the piece I was working on without ever putting a word on paper. I stumbled upon you suggestion to experiment with other mediums and it has helped me get back on track. I don't have a lick of talent at drawing but I am learning to doodle and sketch to free up my creativity. Thanks for the interesting suggestions.

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I, too, get stuck in revising and restructuring (ad nauseum) when something is holding me back from the fresh writing. If you enjoy doodling and sketching, I HIGHLY recommend looking into some YouTube videos on Zentangling. Our friend Caroline introduced me to the idea and I was delighted to find the beginner videos to help me get started. No drawing expertise or talent required! Just search "Beginner Zentangle" and you'll be set!

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Feb 26Liked by Gina Hogan Edwards

Thanks, Gina! It is comforting to know that I am not alone. :-) Interesting, I have recently been drawn to doodling and sketching after years saying that I can't draw a straight line. I will check out the Zentangle videos. Thanks for the tip!

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Thank you .. thank you … I am acutely aware that I’m carrying inner disquiet and had just read that I my next step is to admit to this and allow myself to be aware of what’s causing it ! Then I started to read this . Synchronicity at work. I am a little aware of my reasons not to talk more about how others can work with me .. a mix of imposter syndrome and fear from a hurtful and alarming reaction of a previous mentor to me stepping up in this way. I received a cease and desist email out of the blue as she had thought I maybe infringing her intellectual property rights by thanking what I had learnt and wanting to help others to write. At no point had a copied her work but it shocked and scared me. I withdrew into my cave and gradually have worked through this and am at the stage of flying again.. but that inner survival fear is holding me tethered to the ground.

Any understanding advjce appreciated. I have regular energy healing with is helping to clear the negativity. I’m a manifesting generator in HD terms with an open solar plexus meaning I easily take in others emotions like an empath.

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Oof, Carolyn, I sure understand taking in other's emotions. I've had to learn how to separate what is mine and what belongs to others. Tricky sometimes. I'm sorry you had that experience with a mentor. Imposter syndrome is hard enough to deal with in the best of times without it being triggered by someone we respect and/or admire. Consider that their reaction might have been a reflection, not on you or your behavior, but on their own issues... perhaps confidence, insecurities, or other struggles (even imposter syndrome of their own). I know for myself, when I am being true to who I am and what I believe in, all my actions and intentions align, and I cannot help how someone else may react to them. Know that you aren't alone in your fears. If it weren't such a large issue for so many, including myself, I wouldn't even be writing these articles!

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Thank you for such a gentle and thoughtful response. I am aware the reaction may have arisen from her own sense of past hurt and desire to fiercely defend herself and her business. I’ve had a shift this weekend.. I asked myself: what’s the worst that could happen. I could be sued. Im facing this by planning to have a conversation with my business insurance company to ensure I’m adequately protected myself. Then I can continue knowing that whatever happens in the future I am fully covered and can overcome should it be needed.

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That's a very grounded approach. Kudos for taking practical, level-headed action and not sitting in a mind-spin!

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